Snookerplayer John Frischbaum
sees monster HAMBO

John Frischbaum (37yrs), the once worldcup-holder, has definitely experiencing some hard times. While he was in his favorite pub, enjoying a few drinks and the company of his beloved wife ; Suddenly through the forewindow came running in a big blue creature. John and his wife couldn't believe their eyes. The monster-creature tried to grab for the hamburgers John and his wife were about eat. The monster told John to put the hamburgers down and to give it. John, blasted away with amazing, asked in all honesty : "why?". The monster grabbed the hamburgers and shouted loud: "because I am HAMBO !!".

TRUE STORY by Alicia Frin

Shockwave Flash holders can see the Monster Hambo here below
Footage supplied by John Frischbaum

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